The Parish Council is the voice of the village and as such are consulted on many issues within the village, such as planning, new major developments, road signing etc.  We are also consulted on issues outside the village that can affect the village.

We are also responsible for chasing up both Borough and County Council departments on areas for which they are responsible, such as street lights and road repairs.

The Parish Council is responsible for maintenance and repair of local facilities. These include the heath and ponds, bus shelters and other council-owned areas in the village.

The Council has also taken on the task of acting as a fund raiser to work with organisations such as the East Essex Forum, the Clerks Forum, the County and City Councils, the Lottery Fund and many others to obtain grants to provide facilities within the village at no cost to the rate payers.

To summarise the advantages of having a locally elected body of local residents working purely for the interests of Eight Ash Green are manifold. Central Government are beginning to realise the advantages of devolving power down to local level and are actively encouraging the creation of parish and ward councils in areas without them.

However none of this works without feedback and if you have any complaints or suggestions please contact one of your Councillors or our Clerk. Even better why not attend one of our Parish Council meetings held every second Wednesday of each month (except August) at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall where you will have your chance to have your say.

Our Parish Council is also abiding by the Localism Act that came into affect on 1st July 2012 and as such any Councillors’ Register of Interests is published here.

Below is a small statement and contact details for members of our Parish Council.

Cllr John Jardine (Chairman)

Cllr Alan Bilby

Cllr Lorraine Christie

Cllr Tina Morgan

Cllr Dean Nokes

Cllr Stephen Smith

Cllr Christine Willetts

Each councillor can be contacted on their council email address, which is